Research Centers and Institutes
- Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population
- Advanced Power Systems, Center for (CAPS)
- Aero-Propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy Center (AME)
- Applied Superconductivity Center (ASC)
- Biomedical and Toxicological Research, Center for
- Coastal & Marine Laboratory
- Consumer Fraud Institute
- Criminology and Public Policy Research, Center for
- Demography and Population Health, Center for
- Digital Information and Scientific Communication, Institute for
- Disaster Risk Policy, Center for
- Economic Forecasting and Analysis, Center for (CEFA)
- Energy and Sustainability Center (ESC)
- Family Institute
- Family Violence Studies, Institute for
- Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion (FCAAP)
- Florida Center for Public Management (FCPM)
- Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR)
- Florida Climate Institute (FCI)
- Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium
- Florida Institute for Child Welfare
- Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center (FREAC)
- Future Fuels Institute
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute (GFDI)
- Government, John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of
- High Performance Materials Institute (HPMI)
- Hispanic Marketing Communication, Center for the Study of
- Information Management and Educational Services, Center for (CIMES)
- Information Use Management and Policy Institute
- Intelligent Systems, Control, and Robotics, Center for (CISCOR)
- Intensive English Studies, The Frederick L. Jenks Center for
- International Cooperative Environmental Research, Institute for
- Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship
- Learning Systems Institute
- Middle East Studies Center
- Molecular Biophysics, Institute of
- Music Research, Center for (CMR)
- Music of the Americas, Center for (CMA)
- Napoleon and the French Revolution, Institute on
- National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
- Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Center for (COAPS)
- Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy
- Population Sciences and Health Equity, Center for
- Prevention and Early Intervention Policy, Center for
- Prevention Research, Florida Center for (FCPR)
- Science and Public Affairs, Institute of (ISPA)
- Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, Florida Center for Research in
- Sports Sciences and Medicine, Institute of (ISSM)
- Stavros Center for Free Enterprise and Economic Education
- Successful Longevity, Institute for
- Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare Center for Research and Evidence Based Practice
- Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies
Academics Quick Links